Minor Update

Minor Update

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Welcome to the latest update of Path of Titans! We are thrilled to bring you a whole new set of features and improvements to enhance your gaming experience:

  1. Terrain Enhancements: We have revamped the terrain system, introducing more realistic textures and smoother transitions between different biomes. Get ready to explore stunning landscapes like never before!
  2. New Dinosaur Species: Say hello to three new dinosaur species joining the game - Triceratops, Stegosaurus, and Allosaurus. Each brings unique abilities and characteristics, adding depth and diversity to the gameplay.
  3. Night Vision: Surviving in the dark has never been easier! We have introduced a night vision mode, allowing players to navigate and hunt during nighttime with enhanced visibility. Adapt to the darkness and dominate your surroundings.
  4. Player Progression System: Unlock new abilities and customization options as you progress through the game. Earn experience points by completing quests, hunting, and interacting with the environment. Your dinosaur's skills and appearance will evolve with your mastery.